Monday, May 24, 2010

Visual c++?

i have had absolutely no experience of programming. every tutorial i find is for people with programming experience. I have the microsoft visual c++ express edition but i can't find a good tutorial. If someone could provide a link to one i would be forever grateful

Visual c++? tutorial - Excellent tutorial for learning C++ from the basic level. Highly recommended

Bruce Eckels Mindview - Also an excellent site for learning C++, mostly because of the freely downloadable Thinking in C++ in 2 volumes. These are some of the best explanations of the C++ language, but definitely at a more advanced level. Books are available here tutorial - another good site for C++ programming tutorials. They are not quite as methodical as the tutorials, but they are very useful.

MSDN for C++ - Microsoft's site for the Visual Studio 2005 C++ compiler that we use in this class.

C++ Links from Bjarne Stroustrup - This is a collection of links about C++ that is maintained by the originator of C++ (who now teaches at Texas A%26amp;M)
Reply:Great tuorial
Reply:With absolutely no programming experience you may want to get a good book on basic C++ programming ( I find it easier to work from books rather than Web sites/online tutorials etc.)

Its been so long since I read any of them though ?I can't think of a good one - But recently I bought c++ for dummies which is good both for the basics and more advanced features in the language. Good reference book
Reply:Try here for info

Try here for info
Reply: is a good site.

I highly recommend getting a book. You have no idea how bad an idea it is to solely rely on the web, especially if you have 0 programming experience.

Take a look at

The organization reviews books for technical accuracy. You'll notice there's a lot of bad books that get good reviews on Amazon (they are wrong technically). There's two good ones I recommend: C++ primer by Lippman and Accelerated C++ by Koenig. Accelerated C++ is pretty fast in pace and is probably more suited if you have prior experience, so perhaps C++ primer is a better choice for you.

Please do *not* go for Visual C++ specific tutorials. Unlike generic C++ tutorials, they are designed to work specifically with Visual C++ only. You won't understand and learn C++ properly, you won't learn programming properly.

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